
Musical theatre workshop - opera
Year 3 had the amazing enrichment opportunity of working alongside four professional musicians as part of their curriculum music focus this term, Music Theatre. During the hour-long workshop with two choral scholars (an organ scholar and the Singing Partnerships Lead from Canterbury Cathedral Mus...

Competition Winners in Year 2
Congratulations to Year 2 for being the winners of a competition run by the Scottish Gallery in Edinburgh to celebrate he work of Artist, Author and illustrator Emily Sutton. The children learnt a little about Emily and her work and then wrote about one of their toys and why it was special to the...

Pesky clay rats
We hope that the families of Year 2 have enjoyed their clay rats? these delightful creatures were made by Year 2 as part of their Art project linked to Science; Animals including humans and English ‘That Pesky Rat’ in Term 3. the children studied texture and how to create a ‘fur...