Welcome to Bridge & Patrixbourne CEP School


1 October 2024
Image of Year 5 Church Visit

Year 5 Church Visit

On Friday, Year 5 visited Bridge Church as part of their RE learning around the question, 'What does it mean if God is loving and holy?' After an introduction about the history of the church by Rev. Estella, the children completed a carousel around the building, looking at various feature...

30 September 2024
Image of Walderchain Wood - collaboration with Canterbury College

Walderchain Wood - collaboration with Canterbury College

As part of the Canterbury Festival, Bridge and Patrixbourne CEP have been invited by Mark Saich to contribute to his Artists’ Open House event in October. We are very privileged to be working with Canterbury College's, Level 3, Year 2 Art and Design students to create 3D installations t...

30 September 2024
Image of Write dance - The sea

Write dance - The sea

Last week, Year R continued to practice and develop their gross motor skills within their art lessons by taking part in their weekly Write Dance activities. These sessions aim to strengthen muscle groups and improve the children’s agility. The theme was The Sea. We warmed up with s...

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