Ann Burgess | Local Authority Governor

I have lived and worked in Canterbury for 35 years and was a primary school teacher for almost 20 years. I left full-time teaching to become a Mentor/Link Tutor at Canterbury Christ Church University while retaining some hands-on classroom work. At the same time I served as a trustee for an almshouse charity. Following retirement I became a governor at a primary school in Ashford for six years, developing a particular interest in curriculum development and the wellbeing of both pupils and staff.

I have four primary-aged grandchildren at local schools and enjoy history, crafts and travel.


Elizabeth Carlotti | Parent Governor

I became a parent governor because I have a strong interest in not just by own children’s education but education as a whole.  Before I had my 4 children I was a secondary Maths teacher firstly in a city school in Derby and then at Canterbury Academy after we moved to Kent.

Primary School plays such an important role in our children’s formative years I really hope that with both my teaching and parenting experience I can make a positive contribution to the school.

Not surprisingly my passion lies with mathematics teaching, however I look forward to seeing Bridge school go from strength to strength in all aspects of its curriculum both academic and social.


Graham Duplock | Foundation Governor

I have maintained an interest in children's education ever since becoming a parent governor at Bridge & Patrixbourne School in the 1990s and subsequently holding further governorships.  I have watched the school grow and was pleased to be invited back to join this governing body in 2013 by the parochial church council.

Supporting the community is close to my heart, especially our children, and I have many local involvements in Bekesbourne and Bridge village life.

My career has been as a physicist within the health service and this has fitted around my family life, raising 4 children locally.  During this I continued with local authority school governor appointments.

Throughout my time as governor I have attended many training sessions to remain up to date with the continuing changes to our education system and still enjoy being able to support our school and community as Foundation Governor.


Peter Hellman | Co-opted Governor

I have been a governor since 2017 and am currently chair. As a retired, successful primary school Headteacher of twenty-five years, I believe, I have a wealth of experience to bring, giving both support in helping the school to maintain and develop its excellent work and challenge to ensure the school continues to achieve its aims in raising standards for all children.

My two, now grown-up daughters, attended the school which gave them a good foundation both as individuals and academically. Through being a governor, I hope to repay, in a small way, the community that gave so much to them by making a positive contribution to the life of the school.


Mark Hills | Parent Governor

I became a parent governor in January 2023, and both of my children currently attend the school. Like other parents I have a keen interest in my children’s development and want to help manage and improve the school in any way that I can, hopefully diversifying the Governing Body with experience gained from outside of education.

I am a Chartered Accountant with over 15 years’ experience in various commercial roles focussing on strategy, planning, cost control, hiring talent and holding senior staff members to account for performance. I am also a Maths and Statistics graduate, so have a particular interest in advancing the school numeracy, having seen how important this is not only in later life as a professional skill but also in supporting other educational subjects.

I’m happy and grateful to be part of the team at Bridge & Patrixbourne, and will always aim to make a positive contribution.


Matthew Jones | Co-opted Governor

I joined the governing body in 2016 and was Chair between 2017 and 2023. All three of my children have attended the school and one is currently still there.

My work as an executive producer in theatre and dance and as a consultant in the arts sector over 30 years has given me a strong background in organisational management and a commitment to creativity, which is a hallmark of the school’s identity.

I am grateful to be a member of such a vibrant and dedicated school community and I hope the contribution I make adds to the collective well-being and good practice of the school.


Rev'd Estella Last | Foundation Governor

I became a Governor here in 2018 when I was licensed as the Vicar to the Parish. My primary responsibility on the Governing body is to support the school in being a Church of England Primary school and to ensure our school has good links with the church and wider community. I enjoy leading Collective Worship and hosting the children in church. 

In 2021 I became Safeguarding Governor supporting the school’s safeguarding team.

It is a joy to be part of the team at Bridge school, which is at the heart of the community, equipping all our children to flourish. 


Victoria Pattison | Foundation Governor

I became a Foundation Governor of the School in early 2021 and was humbled to be nominated for the role by the Parish Church Council.  I live in the heart of Bridge Village with my husband Neville (a former army officer now secondary school maths teacher) and our three children all of whom have attended Bridge School; my son still attends the school and is in Year 4.  I am a practising barrister with almost 24 years of experience in the criminal and civil justice system and recognised as a leading practitioner in my field of healthcare litigation.  It is a demanding profession but one which gives me the necessary skills to challenge and question those in position of responsibility and authority.

Service and community are close to my heart.  I hope I can bring energy and enthusiasm to my role as Foundation Governor and I am excited about working with the school, its SLT and the other governors to ensure that every child at Bridge School flourishes and achieves his or her potential.  I see first-hand in my own children what this wonderful village school offers and teaches the young minds that come through its doors, and I am committed to developing the school’s Christian ethos and to promoting the school’s values of compassion, trust, generosity, forgiveness and service


Julia Perfect | Staff Governor

As a member of the teaching team for over 15 years I have a good knowledge of the school, its stakeholders, the community it serves and how it has altered according to the many changes brought about by both internal and external circumstances.

I owe much to the school for all that it has given me and in my role as a governor hope to ensure that the attributes the school is historically renowned for remain a firm foundation for the benefit of all in the future.

I have a particular interest therefore in upholding the ethos of the school shared through its vision, Christian distinctiveness and chosen values.


James Tibbles | Headteacher

I have been the headteacher of Bridge & Patrixbourne CEP School since September 2018 and I was first attracted to the school by it's emphasis on art and music as well as a strong ethos of family amongst the staff and children. I love working at Bridge School and supporting and challenging everyone to be the best that they can be.

We have an incredible team of staff who work hard to deliver the school's principles of Creativity, Excellence and Resilience and it is my privilege to lead them. I also greatly value the relationships that we have with our parents; their support, especially during these challenging times, makes a big difference.


Lin Walkerdine | Clerk/Governance Professional

I am an experienced governance professional who has worked with 3 Local Authorities over the last 13 years. 

An important part of my role is to ensure that the governing body is compliant with statutory guidance and to advise governors on new legislation and policy. I also prepare agendas and take minutes of meetings.

I live locally in Bekesbourne and have family in Kent and St Albans.


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