Languages Day 2024

Image of Languages Day 2024

In Year 1 we thoroughly enjoyed an interesting day learning about a few aspects of Japanese culture.  We started by learning some interesting facts about Japan: did you know the tallest mountain in Japan is mount Fuji and the longest river is called Shinano? During the day we learnt to write our…

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Florence Nightingale Learning

Image of Florence Nightingale Learning

Our History topic this term has been exploring the life and work of Florence Nightingale and learning about why she was significant. To round off our learning, the children made lamps and Crimean soldiers’ hats. They then immersed themselves in role playing being soldiers from the Crimean War  and…

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History of Bridge School by Beech Class

Image of History of Bridge School by Beech Class

This term in History, Beech Class has been learning about the history of Bridge School from when the school opened. We were very lucky to have visits from Mr Fawke, Miss Allison and Miss Andrews who told us about when they came to the school as pupils. We were very excited to find out that when…

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Year R storytelling

Image of Year R storytelling

The last Year R art lesson of the term – storytelling. Using baskets of plastic animals and a ‘luck dip’ bag of playmobil characters for inspiration, Year R created their own stories on rolls of paper with wax crayons.

This activity encourages the children to use their amazing imaginations; it…

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Music, art and dancing - Year 3

Image of Music, art and dancing - Year 3

My favourite end of year lesson! Year 3 pupils have been responding to and interpreting different types of music through their artwork. After a class discussion about colour and how they evoke certain emotions, we briefly looked at the work of Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky who himself worked…

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Year 3 Forest School Term 6 2023-2024

Image of Year 3 Forest School Term 6 2023-2024

Welcome to the Forest School summer term. 

Year 3 children have been very busy exploring and learning new skills: 

We set up some experiments linked to their science topics - exploring how plants suck up water - we listened to trees with a stethoscope and waited for two white ox-eye daisies…

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Year 2 Forest School Term 6 2023-2024

Image of Year 2 Forest School Term 6 2023-2024

Welcome to the summer Forest School Term. 

The Year 2 children have been incredibly busy outdoors exploring and learning new skills: 

You have hopefully already read about our trip to Covert woods in a separate blog. 

We learned about Woodland birds, made binoculars and birdfeeders . The…

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Forest School Year R Term 6 2023-2024

Image of Forest School Year R Term 6 2023-2024

Welcome to the summer fun in Forest School. This Term the Reception children have been fantastic and they have learned and explored the following: 

Passing the squeeze in a circle game - sitting very quietly and waiting for their turn. 

Exploring the slack line for balancing

Comparing the…

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Sewing with Year R

Image of Sewing with Year R

Throughout term 6, Year R have been working on their sewing project. The children have drawn and cut out felt animal shapes. These have been sewn on to a hessian background (applique) using the running stitch; they have also sewn buttons on to their work.


This project has: taught the…

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Year 5 Mosque Trips

Image of Year 5 Mosque Trips

Over the last two weeks, each Year 5 class have visited Canterbury Mosque as part of their RE unit on Islam. We were greeted by the Muslim volunteers who talked about the rules and expectations of the Mosque. These included removing our shoes and keeping a calm quiet as we moved around the…

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Botanical Art and Science - Year 3

Image of Botanical Art and Science - Year 3

An art and science collaboration! Hurray! This project brought together the Year 3 science topic of plants and traditional (and non-traditional) botanical art. As a year group, the children were inspired by a range of artists: various botanical artists including Victoria Braithwaite, photographers…

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Year 1 Forest School Term 6 2023-2024

Image of Year 1 Forest School Term 6 2023-2024

Summer is here (or so we thought) in our Term 6 Forest School. The Year 1 children explored how to tap on different materials, scrape them and blow with a blade of grass between their thumbs. Particularly Elias has shown incredible resilience and kept trying until he managed to make a sound. Well,…

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