Year 6 have been practising their team working skills - making human knots and pyramids - well done. We have been looking at plant flow charts and the children started to look at features of leaves, if they are compound or simple and which shape they have. They identified different trees in the area by leaf shape and properties, such as the field maple, evergreen oak and willow tree. 

We had new soil delivered for the polytunnel which the children helped to move as well as lots of new trees, raspberry bushes and perennial plants. The area is looking much more bee friendly and the courgettes are already growing in the polytunnel. Year 6 love choosing what to do in the Forest School area. 'This is one of the only times we get to do childish things.' It is fabulous to observe their imagination and involvement. 

We learned a little about Elder and why it is useful for crafting- it has a soft middle part. Some children spent the whole session making some Elder people and showed fantastic determination. 

This week we are using our foraging skills to cook some Nettle crisps and Elderflower fritters. Photos to follow. 

This was the last term of Forest School for Year 6. Please look out for a questionnaire that is coming home with any feedback about Forest School. I would appreciate it if you took the time to fill it in. I hope the children have enjoyed connecting with nature and will keep this connection and build on it throughout their future. 

Mrs Pearman 

Year 6 Forest School Term 5 2024